Portland is a PR machine for light rail & streetcar
Here are Some Facts About Portland Oregon
“It must always be remembered how cost-effectiveness works in the public sector: the cost IS the benefit.” - author unknown
Printables & Misc.
Light Rail Opens, Crime Increases 32%!
The Look of Light Rail in Portland
Transit Costs Three Times More than Driving
Europeans are Abandoning Transit Too
False Promises: Light Rail Reduces Congestion
False Promises: Planner's Mistakes, Delusions & Outright Lies
Some Examples of “Transportation” Spending In Portland Area
Why AAA's reported driving cost is so high. And IRS too.
Light Rail Packet - Selected pages from the above
NEW: Revised, 16 page, version
Orange County (CA) Grand Jury report on light rail:
"no merit for solving urban transportation problems in Orange County."
The 1999 Light Rail report by the Orange County Grand Jury.PDF
Two Page Summary of the Orange County Grand Jury Report
Orange County Grand Jury Report with Added Summary Cover
A Comparative Analysis of Light Rail Systems in Six West Coast Cities
Updated October 17, 2018