Portland is a PR machine for light rail & streetcar
Here are Some Facts About Portland Oregon
“It must always be remembered how cost-effectiveness works in the public sector: the cost IS the benefit.” - author unknown
Automobiles / Roads / Highways
Energy / costs
Cars Beat Transit for, CO2, Cost, Time & Convenience
The real blood for oil problem
Cars, transit and Energy Printable
Car Energy compared to Transit
Cars Costs 1/3 what transit costs (2005) Printable
Government data shows cars cost 16.5cents/passenger-mile
How autos cleaned up the cities
Cost of Tampa Elevated Expressway
Cars Improve Our Standard of Living
Survey: cars most needed of all “goods and services.”
Driving is easier than transit for elderly
High Density Causes Congestion TriMet's Study
You Can Build Your Way Out Of Congestion
Transit Utilization and Traffic Congestion
False Promises: Light Rail Reduces Congestion
Wendell Cox: Mass transit does not reduce congestion
Cost Of Portland's Congestion Report
Cities Intentionally Increase Congestion (NYC) (Florida)
Portlanders Rate Congestion Relief More Important than Education; want roads, not transit
Most People Rate A Car Necessary
U.S. Government: Roads users pay more than their cost
Delucch: Transit’s higher external cost and subsidizes than cars
Road subsidies based on US DOT data
Pew Charitable Trusts data shows cars=1.1 cent per mile subsidy
Users paid the full cost of roads + $17.3 billion, or 9.6%
Actual 2004 (typical) subsidy was negative $75.9 billion
Some Observations on Transportation Policy (common planning errors)
Cars Improve Our Standard of Living
Millions of Road Dollars spent on Bikes-Peds-Transit
Millions of Road Dollars(flex funds) spent on Bikes-Peds-Transit (Lcl)
Most Europeans drive - 78% of miles traveled is by car - Printable
Tolls Not Needed on Interstate Bridge Project
Driving, regional & Per Person
One-way Streets are SAFER than two way streets
Updated October 17, 2018