Portland is a PR machine for light rail & streetcar
Here are Some Facts About Portland Oregon
“It must always be remembered how cost-effectiveness works in the public sector: the cost IS the benefit.” - author unknown
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Our recommendations for the best of the best:
How to evaluate light rail projects.
how smart growth causes crime (Stephen Town, West Yorkshire Police, on )
The Myth of Transit-Oriented Development
The Demographics of Smart Growth—Gathering and Using Census and Transportation Data
How to Review a Transit Plan, Tom Rubin
The War on the Dream, Wendell Cox
Redevelopment Reform, Chris Norby (Orange County Supervisor)
Car Ownership & Jobs - Helping low income people get better jobs and improve their lives, Jim Dale
history of the interstate highway system, financing, politics, Alan Pisarski
an in depth presentation on travel habits, Alan Pisarski
how city planners are making housing unaffordable, Randal O'Toole
land air & water pollution, Joel Schwart
land air & water pollution, Doug Wilson (Georgia Water Planning and Policy Center)
land air & water pollution, Harold Brown (University of Georgia)
Deregulating Down towns, Steven Greenhut (Orange County Register)
Deregulating Land Use - Wendell Cox (publicpurpose.com)
Is Government Planning Necessary, Representative Mary Liz Holberg, Minnesota legislature