Portland is a PR machine for light rail & streetcar
Here are Some Facts About Portland Oregon
“It must always be remembered how cost-effectiveness works in the public sector: the cost IS the benefit.” - author unknown
False Promises:
Copying Europe Will Reduce Driving/Increase Transit Usage
The reality: 78.3% of motorized EU15 travel is by private car
Planners noticed that Europeans use transit more than Americans and then decided that we should do things like the Europeans do. However they failed to realize that Americans are richer than Europeans and that as Europeans incomes catch up, their driving would increase. The chart below is from the European Union and shows that driving and flying are increasing and transit usage ("Rail", "Bus and coach" and "Tram and Metro") is decreasing, just like in the USA:
From below:
Air = +132%
Passenger Car = +2.5%
Rail = -23%
Bus&Coach = -27%
Tram & Metro = -21.4%
Chart from the European Union Shows Transit Decrease and Automobile Increase:
More recent information, which leaves out direct comparison such as shown above, starts at Page 124 of
Figure 11.3: Number of passenger cars, 2005 and 2015 (per 1 000 inhabitants) shows EU-28 now has MORE passenger cars per capita than the USA.
Also note that air transport increased faster than Rail.
I did not see similar for cars.
Bribery |
Cheaper & Better Transit |
EuroTranistShareLoss |
Elderly Travel |
GM & The Streetcar |
Commute Time Chart |
Top 10 Bus |
Clackamas Public Safety |
transit_congestion |
McLoughlin Plan |
CRC_Planning |
Zoneing Increases Cost, Hurts Economy |
High Rise |